CSVR 11-30-24


Its the Central Valley Sports Report with Paul Meadors. On today's show Paul talks to Selma Head Coach Mitch Francis, Mark Tennis of CalHiSports, Stephen Hicks of ABC30, Kerman Coach Damon Jenkins along with members of his Division 3 championship team.


FNL Kerman vs Madera D-III Final 11-29-24


Live from Memorial Stadium in Madera is Friday Night Lights. The division 3 final is defined between the Kerman Lions and the Madera Coyotes. Paul Meadors and Phil Benotti call the action.


Behind the Bench 11-27-24


Behind the Bench with Phil Benotti! First hour Phil has a conversation with the Fresno State women's basketball team about their upcoming season. On our second hour we have Benotti's Blitz.